And why would you want to? This picture is great because the whole phone in the tub schtick says I’m goofy and accessible, but the eyes say, “I really am insane.” The real beauty, however, lies in the fact that some naked dude who I don’t even know has totally sold me on whatever the fuck he’s selling without using a single word. All shitty Jerry McGuire jokes aside, Shane really did have me at hello. Doesn’t he make you want to immediately drop everything, board a plane and go on 3 day booze fueled rampage with him? He should be the poster child for drinking.


Unknown said...

I'm Shane's daughter, Elaine. Shane committed suicide 4 years ago. He was a jerk when he got drunk, but I love him anyway.

Anonymous said...

I just realized I need to take more baths with hats on.